I will there be light…

These were the words I focused on (from the daily lesson in A Course in Miracles). As I asked for inspiration, words popped in, and then a picture story for the words, which I put together.

And, as such, he appeared

The Light Inside

An inner flow radiating beyond his body, like a halo
Rays dissolving the dark shadows
At the heart, the purest white – what perfect peace would look and feel like
Ablaze with brilliance.

A soft, enveloping warmth floated away all fear, all guilt, all resistance,
A sound within and through him, beyond hearing – angelic voices
In a chorus of unified hallelujahs
And expanding joy cascaded through them – beyond peace, beyond bliss, beyond ecstasy.

As I’ve been thinking about what this means to me, what “I will there be light,” will be when it is so, I first thought, ‘this must be something like a foreshadowing of meeting Holiness, perhaps Jesus…

…and then it struck me – perhaps this is the experience of seeing, of awakening from what is described as the darkened looking glass we seem to experience, and truly seeing our brothers as they are and not as the ego darkens us all.

That is a value worth treasuring – I will there be light…



