My beautiful brothers on the other side of the cliff

Jousting with Clouds

I often ask for short stories or imagery as a guide for spiritual development, somehow they seem deeper and more meaningful than instructions, for me.

Jousting with Clouds

The image starts with being on a horse on a cloudy field, gold banner in hand, galloping like fury to do battle. As the clouds begin to thin, I see I’m galloping toward a cliff, nothing more. I ride to the edge of the cliff, and on the other side I see a tribe of beautiful people, dressed in pure white robes.

As a flash, I recognize them as my dear brothers, all, and I long to be amongst them. But, how can I reach them? Leaping across the chasm is the only option I can think of, with fear and despair next up as my imagination wildly projects plummeting to death.

But my heart swells with pure love from and for my brothers, and I am shockingly transported across – simply, before there, now here – weeping joyfully in my home coming.

In this vignette, I recognize the mad, mindless chase which we think of as life – banner (cause) at the fore, racing full-throated at, what? On the other side of the clouds I see death, but if I would stop and slow down, peer beyond the clouds, I could see my brothers on the other side, and be home. Not by my means, but by love’s grace.

Thank you, amen.


