Tag: A Course in Miracles

  • Jousting with Clouds

    Jousting with Clouds

    I often ask for short stories or imagery as a guide for spiritual development, somehow they seem deeper and more meaningful than instructions, for me. Jousting with Clouds The image starts with being on a horse on a cloudy field, gold banner in hand, galloping like fury to do battle. As the clouds begin to…

  • Ode to Ego

    Ode to Ego

    (Probably more correctly, “Odious Ego” 🙂 ) This morning I ran a ten words writing exercise (briefly – write ten words that “bubble up” without intentionally thinking about them, write a sentence that “bubbles up” for each word, and then look for threads which pull the sentences together). Today’s exercise clearly spoke of the ego,…

  • Holiness…


    In a meditation, holiness came to mind. The image was of Mother Mary, but as a pillar of light with a hint of an iridescent blue shawl. As she and I walked through a village, the appearance of bodies disappeared as the pillars of light inside each body began to shine with increasing brightness. And…

  • Give to have, teach to learn…

    Give to have, teach to learn…

    One of the challenges I experience in my search for truth is the very human desires of having and doing, how to occupy time. A Course in Miracles suggests helpfully, give to have, teach to learn. Behind those simple instructions is the wisdom teaching that, in this experience, it is the “being-ness” which sparks the…

  • There is another way to see this…

    The news…the “news” (I put it in scare quotes because I often feel it’s being used to persuade instead of inform 🙂 ), always inspires a lot of Course in Miracles work. The tenet, there is another way to see this, popped up today, along with a lot of teachings about perception and projection. A…