
The Power of Prayer

Do you believe in prayer?

I must admit, I had kind of lost faith…not in my belief about my loving God, but in my abilities to pray or deservedness to have prayers answered.

Turns out, I think I’ve doing it wrong!

The Bible is very clear, “Ask and it shall be given,” BUT, the even more important instruction is…BELIEVE! ““And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”
(Matthew 21:22)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Of course I believe everything is possible for God, but what I never learned was the difference between believing it CAN be done, and believing it HAS been done.

A wonderful mystic, Neville Goddard, lived his life by prayer, and shared his experiences with anyone who wanted to listen. It sounds so easy — believe it has been done — but the obstacles which must be cast aside are tricky…

…such as, time. Because we live in a dimension with a time vector, we experience some lapse between the “asking” and the “having.” And, that time period is unknowable to us. As faith wanes and doubt creeps in, the door to the miraculous closes.

If you think about it in the “energy” language modern day channels (such as Abraham-Hicks) use for explanation, an energetic vibration will seek a matching vibration. The energy of “having” will attract the conditions to match the “having,” the energy of “wanting” will attract more “wanting.”

I’ve also found, for me, other subconscious blocks – fear, aversion, unworthiness, arrogance, disspiritedness — let’s just say lifetimes of blockages. (Processing the blockages – ugh, too much for this one post. For suggestions, search “tapping,” [EFT], Lester Levenson, Panache Desai, Jarrad Hewett, Matt Kahn – basically, you do have to work through it, it’s kind of why you’re here)

But when it comes together, a prayer answered is so inspirational…I wanted to share this one.

My niece was at one of her lowest points a few months ago, and felt overwhelmed by anxiety. She was unexpectedly pregnant (but in a long term, loving relationship), and had just gotten laid off. I wrote her, and told her I would pray for her, and I wrote “How I pray for you is your mom and I are looking at you, your smiling and so radiantly happy, that we both have tears of joy streaming down our faces.”

And today, as I was texting my sister (her mother), thinking about how my niece is now engaged, has the perfect work situation and support, loves being mom to a beautiful smiley happy baby boy, I remembered the prayer I had kept in my mind. With tears of joy streaming down my face writing my sister about how wonderful her daughter’s life is unfolding, my sister texts me back — the water faucets were turned on for her, too: we have never seen her daughter, (my niece) as radiantly happy as she is now.

That’s the thing about miracles, they sometimes seem kind of ordinary. The ego wants to say, “Oh, well this and this and this was of course going to happen,” but I’m learning to shut that voice down. Love is the miracle, and sharing it makes life ever and ever better and better.

C J Salvar

Published by
C J Salvar

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