Category: Spirituality

  • Ten Words

    Ten Words

    Getting out of my head and out of my way is a huge challenge for me. Most of my life has valued intellect, which, I’m beginning to suspect, is a diversion from knowing. It’s like a magician’s distraction, “Ooh look, shiny flashy thing here because I don’t want you to pay attention to what I’m…

  • I will there be light…

    I will there be light…

    These were the words I focused on (from the daily lesson in A Course in Miracles). As I asked for inspiration, words popped in, and then a picture story for the words, which I put together. And, as such, he appeared An inner flow radiating beyond his body, like a haloRays dissolving the dark shadowsAt…

  • For Thine is the Kingdom…

    I love the prayer, the “Our Father.” In many ways, I’ve grown to understand it’s the rule book for life – simply, put everything in God’s hands, and give thanks, knowing all is well. What a confluence of religion, spirituality, “New Age” help, the consciousness conundrum, all wrapped up in the beautiful prayer of a…

  • My life as an icicle

    Often, when I’m contemplating the spiritual realm and how to progress, images come to me. Today, it’s icicles (mid-December – spot on!). It’s amazing how rich one image can be for the purpose of analogy! The icicle…it starts as airborne water, then falls as either raindrops or snow, freezes to a surface, and then seems…

  • The Rock and the Stream

    This metaphor came to me… There’s a rock in a busy, bubbling, babbling stream. It’s been sitting there awhile, the water flowing under, around, over it, mostly intermittently. Then a time comes and the stream is now forceful enough to actually move the rock and force it along the stream’s course. Tumbling, tumbling, the rock…

  • The Door to the Divine

    The picture is of a young women, on her knees in anguish and prayer, exhausted and over-whelmed by the thoughts, the thoughts, the incessant torrent of torment in thoughts. She’s been praying for outcomes, for solutions, for answers, she feels so alone and abandoned, as if there’s a door welded shut between her and the…

  • The Hall of Mirrors as a Metaphor for Spiritual Journey

    I find myself seeking a deeper understanding, so I tried to really focus my attention inward. As I did, I was walking down a corridor of mirrors. I found myself modestly curious about the mirrors, and drawn to the blackness at the end of the hall.I eased my way forward into the blackness, and began…

  • An Awakening Story

    She is captivated by the delicate turn of each rose petal in the bouquet she holds. There’s a sense of complete sensual immersion called awake by the delightful, sweet scent. An expansive warmth spreads within, like hugging a puppy or a deeply loved child. The soaring weightlessness of love infuses, elevates her spirit within, and…

  • A World for Love

    A Course in Miracles’ daily lesson was focused on receiving and giving, being the same when seen in truth. I asked to receive a story, and got this little vignette, which I give 🙂 Descending from the sky is a beautiful ball, huge, emanating the most magnificent pure, warm, crystalline light ever seen. As I…

  • A world of black sheep

    The biblical story of the black sheep came to me. (Cliff’s Notes refresher – one black sheep in the flock wanders off and is lost. The good shepherd would not rest until the black sheep is brought in). I was at first annoyed, because, frankly, I don’t like the story.  I’ve always found it implausible…